Experiencia, conocimiento y rigor
+34 93 238 89 10
+34 93 238 01 56

I started studying Technical Specialist in Administration and Accounting. This allowed me to enter the world of work at an early age. I continued to combine my work and student life until I obtained a law degree from the University of Barcelona. The normative knowledge, the accounting practice and the different training courses in tax and accounting have allowed me, today, to apply them in the business field. I like what I do and try to do it well, I keep updating myself, due to the constant legislative and fiscal changes. I think: The body wrinkles and is inevitable, but not the brain. I keep my brain excited, active and think that if I make it work it will never degenerate.. (Rita Levi). In my spare time I love: reading, listening to music, practice sport, sailing, dancing, hanging out with friends and taking advantage of all the time I have with my family. The best advice I could give you is: Don’t lose the most wonderful thing in life… LIVE and ENJOY!


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